Legal Notice
Luxury Travel, G. Leoni + Co. or LEONI LUXURY TRAVEL
Obere Strasse 43
CH-7270 Davos Platz
T +41 81 413 00 33
Register entry: Handelsregister des Kantons Grisones
Firm Number: CHE-425.101.837
Responsible supervisory authority:
Please read the following statements. By accessing this website and its pages (the "Website") as well as the products, services, information, tools, and documentation (the "Content") contained or described therein, you declare that you have understood and acknowledge these legal notices and the privacy policy (collectively "Terms and Conditions of Use") in the version current at any given time. If you do not consent to this, you may not access any additional pages. The Terms and Conditions of Use can be amended at any time. Any amendment will be published here and becomes effective upon publication. Please ensure that you regularly read the current version. You will find a reference to the last update date at the beginning of this document.
User access and the use of this Website and its Content as well as the Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to substantive Swiss law. The courts of Davos (Switzerland) shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue, subject to mandatory provisions with different content.
Local restrictions
The information on this Website and in its Content is not intended for dissemination to or use by natural persons or legal entities that are nationals of a country or have their residence or domicile in a country in which the dissemination, publication, provision, or use of this information would violate applicable law or in which we would be subject to registration or licensing requirements.
The information on this Website may refer to products and services by a person or corporation that is not active in the country where you reside. The guidelines for the protection of private customers that apply in your country may therefore not be binding in connection with these products and services.
No assurance
Although we make an effort to ensure the correctness of the information on this Website and of the Content when publishing it, neither we nor our contracting parties can provide you or other persons an express or implied assurance, guarantee, or warranty regarding the currency, correctness, accuracy, dependability, or completeness of the information or its suitability for a particular purpose.
We provide no express or implied assurance, guarantee, or warranty that the functions on this Website will not be interrupted or are error-free, that errors will be corrected, or that the Website or the infrastructure necessary for you is free of viruses or other harmful software (malware). Furthermore, We cannot ensure that information on this Website will not be falsified by technical faults or access by unauthorized third parties. Please contact us if you have questions about the acquisition or use of your charge cards / credit cards or other products or services. Insofar as our partners introduce themselves or their offers on our site, we assume no responsibility for these representations, also not with regard to correctness, completeness, or the legality of these representations.
All information on the Website and in the Content may be modified or removed at any time and without notice. We are not obligated to remove information that is no longer current from the Website or from the Content or to label it as such.
Security measures
We hereby notify you of the danger emanating from viruses or other harmful software (malware) or from hacking attacks. We recommend that you use antivirus software, a spam filter, and other software to protect your system (e.g., a firewall) and to keep them up-to-date. We reject any and all liability for manipulations of your IT system by unauthorized parties in connection with accessing our Website.
We will never ask you to disclose confidential information to us without request (also not by email, telephone, fax, or text message (SMS)). If you receive such a request, it could be what is called a "phishing" attempt, that is, an attempt to obtain confidential data from you with fraudulent intent. Such requests often look deceptively authentic. Do not answer them, do not click any links contained in them, and do not open any attachments to such requests. If you have any doubt as to the authenticity of such a request, please call us.
Intellectual property rights
LEONI LUXURY TRAVEL and other brand names on this Website are registered trademarks or service marks. Unless otherwise specified, the Website and all Content are protected by copyright. We reserve all rights (particularly copyrights and trademark rights) to the Website and to all Content and will exercise all legal opportunities to enforce these rights as necessary. The user receives no rights of any kind whatsoever to the use of images or other content or to brands or logos. Downloading, saving, copying, and printing individual pages and Content are only permitted for personal use. Such action does not transfer any rights to the software or the Website to you. If Content is reproduced in whole or in excerpts in electronic or written form, expressly naming us as the source is required. In addition, our express consent must be obtained for any reproduction, further publication, or sale of Content.
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