Seasonal Highlights

Bari and Matera, Italy

UNESCO World Heritage.

The journey through the valley of the Murgia towards Matera, UNESCO World Heritage Town 2019 is breathtaking. Anyone who knows the historical background will be fascinated by the whole valley and this unique place. Even in the Stone Age, people used the soft limestone of the Murgia plateau to carve their caves into the rock.

The residents lived in the most primitive circumstances without running water and electricity in the rock shelters and used the manure of the animals living in the same room for heating in winter. Between 1950 and 1960 the government planned relocation to newly built apartment blocks, but the residents followed with plenty of reluctance.

Don’t miss out on a guided tour with local guides and learn what life was like meaning and a walk through the village gives an impression of the living conditions at that time. Some of the abandoned caves can even be visited from the inside and don’t forget to stop at the rocky restaurants and cafés to soak up the special atmosphere.

Among the numerous rock churches of Matera, which combine the bare charm of the rock with the sophistication and elegance of the interior decorations, you should definitely visit the churches of San Pietro Barisano, Santa Lucia delle Malve, the rock complex Convicinio di Sant’Antonio, Santa Maria Idris and San Giovanni, the church of Santa Barbara with its impressive frescoes and finally, the rock complex Madonna delle Virtù and San Nicola.

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